Author: djavupixel
Inspiration from Car brochures
Car brochures are excellent sources of inspiration for new trends in design and photography. In this article we will focus on different brands from various countries and observe the cultural contrasts.
Choosing the Right Shopping Cart Software and Understanding the Features
eCommerce Software improves the efficiency and user experience of an ecommerce website. Without signing un, users can place items in a shopping cart. Once the user is ready to purchase these items, he or she can purchase them all at once.
Video Tutorials and free ebook to learn Objective C for iPhone and mac OSX
Apple iPhone is hype at the moment and most companies want to develop apps for this smartphone. The programming language of the iPhone is Objective C and it is a bit different of Java or C++.
2.5 Free Simple and elegant Business Cards
Business card designs don’t have to be wild and crazy to be effective. Simple and elegant business card designs often have a greater impact than complicated cards, because the message is clear. With this statement in mind we created this 2.5 (because two of them are nearly identical) free business cards that will be timeless.